
Fast Waist Reduction Exercises

Fast Waist Reduction ExercisesTrimming the waistline involves overall general exercise as well as focusing on exercises that work the entire abdominal core muscles, including the rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, and the transversus abdominis. Focusing on these muscles offers extensive and fast results when it comes to slimming. The internal and external obliques help hold the abdominals in, toward the center of the abdomen, according to the Voice and Speech Source

Trimming the waistline involves overall general exercise as well as focusing on exercises that work the entire abdominal core muscles, including the rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, and the transversus abdominis. Focusing on these muscles offers extensive and fast results when it comes to slimming. The internal and external obliques help hold the abdominals in, toward the center of the abdomen, according to the Voice and Speech Source.

Dumbbell Side Dips

One of the most effective ways to tone the area between the waist and hip is to perform side dips. You can do this with or without weights, though you'll gain extra benefits by using a moderate-weight dumbbell, 8 to 10 pounds, in each hand.

Stand straight, feet about hip distance apart, hands with dumbbells hanging down at your sides, according to the website Fitness Training at Home. Keeping the shoulders facing forward, lean to one side, allowing the weight of the dumbbell to dip toward the knee. The other weight can rest gently against the side. Pulling in the abdominals, come back up to an upright position and then repeat the exercise on the other side of the body. Repeat this exercise 10 times to each side.

Oblique Crunches

The oblique crunch is one of the most effective oblique training exercises, according to Body Building's website. Lie on your right side with the floor legs bent at about a 90 degree angle to the body. Your left knee should be on top of the right knee, both legs lined up. Place the right hand on the left hip. Place the left hand on the side of the head, but don't pull on the head or neck during this exercise. Lift the body upward, like you're trying to touch your left armpit to your left hip. Hold the contraction for a moment and then lower. Repeat on the other side. Try to do 10 to 15 of these on each side.

Broom Rotations

This exercise doesn't require any exercise machine equipment, but when performed in sets of 50 several times a day can offer impressive results, according to Six Pack Now. Hold the stick or broom vertically in front of you. Keeping the hips and lower torso facing forward and sucking the abs inward, twist the upper torso from side to side, keeping the head facing forward also.

Ab Crunches on a Ball

Abdominal crunches on a ball provide extra focus on the upper and lower abs, offering more effective waist trimming results, says researchers at the Department of Kinesiology at Occidental College in Los Angeles, according to Mary Jo Cameron, writing for Gaiam Life.

Sit on an exercise ball and slide down until lower back, back and shoulders are on the ball, feet shoulder width apart on the floor. Your upper torso may be leaning slightly backward along the curve of the ball. Place hands behind the head. Exhale and then slowly lift shoulders off the ball until you feel the contraction in your abs. Hold for several seconds and then lower. Repeat the exercise 10 times, suggests Gaiam Life.

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