
How to Feel Pretty

You are the only one who can decide you are truly pretty. All it takes is a change in your thinking and a boost in confidence and self-esteem. And yes, it is easier said than done.

 Being Pretty on the Inside 

1 Understand your own prettiness. This is the most important step for feeling pretty. You have to understand that your beauty comes from you, not from any outside source. But you have to practice feeling this way.

    Write a list of of all the good things about yourself. This includes things like helping someone carry their groceries, listening to a friend, or being the best at puns.

    Every morning, when you wake up, go to the bathroom mirror, smile at yourself and say aloud "I am awesome" and "I am happy." The more you say it the more you will convince your brain that it is true.

    Write a list of things you think are beautiful about yourself. Maybe you have big brown eyes, a cute nose, or full lips, or a great laugh. If you can't think of any, ask a trusted friend or family member.

    When you start having negative thoughts about yourself, remember your lists.

2 Stop negativity in its tracks. Negative thoughts cause our brain to believe the negativity. If we think we're

ugly, our brain will be convinced of that. You have to convince your brain that those thoughts aren't true.[1]

    When you start to have a negative thought, label it as such. Example: "My nose is hideous." Say to yourself: "I'm having a thought that my nose is hideous." It makes it so that thought isn't you.
    Let the negative thoughts go. You are not your thoughts, but they can be extremely harmful to your self esteem.
    Replace the negative thought with a positive thought. Even if you don't believe the positive thought, you can trick your brain into believing it.

3 Build your self confidence. Everyone has good qualities, both inside and outside, but it's important to

realize that people are more than their outer appearance. It's great to admire people (and yourself!) for their physical attractiveness, but it's even better to look at what's on the inside. There will always be someone prettier, more successful, with more romantic partners.

    Don't judge yourself so harshly. You are your own worst enemy. Give yourself the freedom to have days where you don't feel attractive. Confidence is about trusting in yourself even on days where you don't feel like it.
    Don't judge other people. What you think about other people says a lot about you. Try to think positive, kind thoughts towards others. It will affect your positivity towards yourself.
    Don't compare yourself to others. This will only cause you to lose confidence in yourself. Besides, that person with the perfect hair might be leading a very difficult life in other respects.
    Fake it until you make it. You can trick your brain into being confident if you fake confidence. Act like you already know you're pretty and you will start to believe it.
    Don't feel as though you have to have a romantic partner to be worthwhile. Your self-worth and your confidence rely on you and only you. If you place too much self-worth control in the hands of other people, you won't learn true confidence.
    Indulge yourself in a selfie. You control the picture and you can make it so it emphasizes your most attractive features. When you're feeling less confident, pull it out and remind yourself that you are pretty!


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