
How to Make Small Breasts Look Bigger

Ideally, every woman should be happy and comfortable with the body she has. Unfortunately, many women are not. If you're unhappy with your breasts and want to make them appear larger and firmer, read on for tips and tricks on how to achieve that without surgery, pills or hormones.

1 Know if your posture makes your breasts look larger today, or not. Do the mirror test. Looking in the mirror sideways, see if you can draw a straight line from your earlobe through your shoulder, hip, knee, to the middle of your ankle. If you can draw this line, your posture will make your breasts look bigger and perkier, as well as making you look slimmer and taller.
2Practice having good posture. This is by far the least expensive and fastest way to make your breasts look bigger. Do the mirror exercise several times a day to correct your posture. It is more important to build "muscle memory" so that you unconsciously and naturally maintain correct posture without fatigue.
3 Build up your upper pectoral muscles (working out lower pecs will actually decrease your bust size). Increasing the bulk of the muscles beneath your breasts will make them appear firmer and more rounded. Regular push-ups are one way to achieve this; build up slowly until you can manage to drop and do 15 push-ups all at once. There are also many weight training exercises you can do to build chest muscles.
4 Focus on your waist. Slimming and shaping your core (the muscles around your waist and ribs) will make your breasts appear larger by comparison, without actually adding any breast tissue. Try yoga and pilates exercises that can help you burn calories while simultaneously strengthening your core muscles.

    Note that losing weight can make your breasts smaller. So, the idea is to tone your waist, not necessarily to lose weight.

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