
Sundae with berries

In a small bowl, lightly crush the raspberries fork. Prepare sundaes putting a scoop of sorbet at the bottom of a glass and then an amount of the raspberry mixture with a spoon and half cereal. Finally, add a tablespoon of plain yogurt, sprinkle with pistachios and the rest of cereals Fitness.

 Main changes & Nutritional Value
Calories: From 540 to 190      Fat: 43.1g From 5g      Use sorbet instead of ice cream to reduce the amount of fat      Use yoghurt instead of cream to reduce the amount of fat

160g raspberries, fresh or frozen
     80g (2 scoops) of raspberry sorbet
     Half a cup (50g) plain yogurt nonfat
     5 tablespoons (20g) cereal Fitness
     15g chopped pistachios

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